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The Art of Yoga

The Art of Yoga
The Art of Yoga

In Hindi, 'Pran' refers to the soul, which is responsible for a human being's life. According to the Hindu religion, 'Pran' is the creation of the supreme king, the god Brahma. According to Yoga gurus, "Motion" is an intrinsic attribute of Pran. This Pran character is felt and experienced in Vayu (Air), which is constantly in motion.' When this air reaches the body in sufficient quantities, it assists the body and all of its organs in functioning properly and efficiently. According to Hinduism, a human body is made up of five basic elements: Akasha (vacuum space), Vayu (air), Agni (fire), Jala (water), and Prithvi (earth). The air is thought to be the most important of these five in keeping the body moving. To get financial benefits and achieve success in life, the body must be in sync with our cognitive process while also allowing us to make the necessary efforts.

The yoga sutra also mentions that the human body has particular channels and spots that must be touched to release the energy buried inside the body. Patanjali's levels of Yoga are as follows:

  1. Yama (Act of control): Within Yoga philosophy, the Yamas constitute a set of "good living" or ethical guidelines. It implies "control" or "reining in." These are the restrictions for proper behaviour prescribed by the Vedas and the Yoga Sutras. They are moral imperatives, commandments, laws, or objectives. The Yamas are a collection of self-restraints that often symbolise obligations that affect one's relationships with others and with oneself.

  2. Niyama (Self-purification through discipline): Self-discipline creates the groundwork for properly preparing the body and mind to practice Yoga. Discipline necessitates establishing a schedule of getting up early, resting early, eating a nutritious diet, avoiding junk food, and so on.

  3. Asana (posture): The posture in which yoga activities can be performed is also very important because it demands a relaxed body and a tension-free mind to work wonders for the individual.

  4. Pranayama (breath control): This technique aids in the regulation of air intake into the body, so managing the body's energy levels to its benefit. Baba Ramdev, who has made waves all across India and many other parts of the world, has placed a strong focus on proper breathing.

  5. Pratyahara (withdrawal of the mind from external objects): This effectively indicates that we must endeavor to ignore our worldly wants during the period of yoga therapy.

  6. Dharana (concentration): As the individual begins to manage his or her desires while ignoring worldly matters, concentration ability grows.

  7. Dhyana (meditation): It requires the individual to recall the almighty god and just consider the supernatural power that governs all of us.

  8. Samadhi (state of super consciousness): At this level, which is the most difficult for most people to achieve, the person feels as if they are leaving this world. In fact, in this state, needs such as hunger and thirst vanish, and the person begins to control all of his wants.


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